- A dense bodied, stout made, heifer-safe sire
- Tradition is a calving ease specialists that will not sacrifice muscle or bone
- Proven source for quality calving ease genetics that you can grow old with
- Ranking high for MARB, use Tradition to build a quality commercial cow herd
Reg: 42693193 Born: 2-23-06
Non-Certificate AI Sire
BW: 58 lbs/ ratio 77
WW: 590 lbs/ ratio 116
YW: 1219 lbs/ ratio 104
From Bar JZ Polled Herefords, SD
Yr. SC: 34 cm
Yr. Frame: 5.2
Feltons Domino 774
Feltons Legend 242
Feltons G15
Bar JZ Tradition 434V
BAR JZ 434 Lady 733P
BAR JZ Scion 320M